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Disclosure of granting employees in the Insurance Authority physical incentives in return for refusing applications for sick leave

An employee at a branch of the Social Security Service (Försäkringskassan) in the capital, Stockholm, revealed that employees in the branch who refuse to grant many sick leave applications are rewarded with an increase in their salaries every month according to the number of rejection decisions they have taken, Sick people, submitted by the people to the Social Security Office, according to the agenda of the agenda on Swedish television

This provoked outrageous reactions. Social Affairs Minister Ananda Strandhäll said she had reacted very much to the issue at the moment and was continuing to do so with social insurance.

Saif Norlin, the head of the trade union federation, was described as "horrified."

For his part, Lars-Pratlund, director of insurance at Försäkringskassan, considered it an isolated and unacceptable event and stressed that the administration is currently gathering more information on the subject.
